ZGCTA Activities

A delegation of Beijing Representative Office of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science visited the secretariat of the Think Tank Alliance for exchange and discussion

Date:2024-05-21 15:25


On May 20, 2024, Hideyuki Yamaguchi, the head of Beijing Representative Office of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science led a visiting delegation to the secretariat of ZGC Global High-Level Think Tank Alliance (hereinafter referred to as the Think Tank Alliance) for exchanges and discussions. Li Junkai, Secretary-General of the Think Tank Alliance and Director of the Center for International and Regional Cooperation of the BJAST, presided over the lecture.

Li Junkai first welcomed the visit of Mr. Hideyuki Yamaguchi and his entourage. Li Junkai also introduced the information and future work plan of the Think Tank Alliance. Mr. Hideyuki Yamaguchi introduced the basic information and work priorities of their office. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science was founded on October 1, 2003. It is an independent administrative corporation founded according to the Act on the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. Since its establishment, the society has forged ahead, funded scientific research and innovation, cultivated scientific research talents, promoted international academic exchanges, and carried out various activities extensively for the promotion of academy.

The two sides carried out in-depth exchanges on joint research and mutual visits. After the meeting, Beijing Representative Office of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science submitted the "Application Form for ZGC Global High-Level Think Tank Alliance" officially to the Think Tank Alliance, laying a solid foundation for further promoting friendly relations and cooperation between the two sides and achieving win-win cooperation.